Additional Learning Needs
Additional learning needs is defined as relating to any student who, for whatever reason, requires additional learning support because they are struggling to learn in comparison with their peers. These needs must be addressed in order for them to maximise their potential. This includes students who have Special Educational Needs area and a wider group of students who, for a variety of reasons, have difficulties in learning. Please read in conjunction with the ALN handbook. ALN within the School is led and co-ordinated by our SENCO Mrs Leah Lewis. The role of SENCO is to lead this provision area in all aspects of the School. She is line manager to the Learning Support Assistants. SEN policy and practice in the school is in line with LA and WAG guidance.
Special Educational Needs (SEN)
SEN is a sub-category of additional Learning needs and continues to be used for students who have a learning difficulty, which calls for special provision to be made for them. Staff are issued with relevant information throughout the academic year, including statement information, guidance on teaching and learning strategies and pen portraits of individual students. Teachers must write targets on Individual educational plans IEPs twice a year and review the targets also. These must be integral to all planning, preparation and assessment for all students on the SEN register.
The SEN register and relevant documentation is allocated at the beginning of the academic year.
Complex Needs Class
In additional to SEN pupils timetabled throughout the school and access the whole curriculum we also have a complex needs class which is staffed by a specialist teacher and two support staff. This class has the capacity to educate fourteen pupils from Years 7-11 and are allocated by the authority on the basis of SEN need.
English as an additional Language
Some students may require additional support if their first language is not English. English as an additional language is a growing feature of our School delivery and support. The school currently has a number of students with English as an additional Language. For any further information please see the Mrs. L Parry
Social Deprivation
The School is conscious of the level of social deprivation of many students in the school. The provision of Youth Engagement and Participation service, Learning Coaches, Inclusion Staff and other support mechanisms reflects a commitment for the achievement of all students. Additional funding, grants and sources of finance are also available for students such as uniform grants and free school meal entitlements.
The School has a cashless catering system which will hopefully alleviate any negative stigmas associated with FSM. The current FSM figure at the school is 36%.